Cocos Island, Costa Rica aboard the Sea Hunter December 23, 2005 - January 7, 2006
Santa Cruz Island aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers December 3-4, 2005
Catalina Island aboard the Great Escape November 13, 2005
Catalina & Santa Barbara Islands aboard the Great Escape with the Sea Divers October 28-29, 2005
Tanner Bank, Cortes Bank, & Santa Barbara Island Dr. Death abord the Peace October 9-10, 2005
Bugzilla : Santa Cruz Island & Santa Rosa Island aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers October 4-5, 2005
Santa Cruz Island & San Miguel Island aboard the Peace with the Sea Divers September 9-10, 2005
Oil Rigs Eureka & Elly aboard the Sea Bass with the Sea Divers August 27, 2005
San Nicolas Island & Santa Barbara Island aboard the Great Escape with Ocean Safari August 20-21, 2005
Farnswoth Bank and Santa Catalina Island aboard the Great Escape with the Sea Divers August 14, 2005
Santa Barbara Island with Sport Chalet aboard the Great Escape August 13, 2005
The Wrecks of the Palawan, Star of Scotland, & Avalon with the Sea Divers aboard the Sea Bass July 30, 2005
Anacapa Island with Malibu Divers aboard the Peace July 3, 2005
Long Point, Old Rock Quarry, and Bird Rock, Catalina with the Sea Divers aboard the Great Escspe June 18, 2005
Santa Catalina Island with Ocean Safari aboard the Magician June 12, 2005
Santa Catalina Island with the Sea Divers aboard the Great Escape May 21, 2005
San Miguel Island, Oil Rig Grace, & Anacapa Island with the Sea Divers aboard the Peace May 6-7, 2005
Santa Barbara Island with the Sea Divers aboard the Great Escape April 2, 2005
Santa Catalina Island aboard the Pacific Star March 16, 2005
Santa Catalina Island with the Sea Divers aboard the Great Escape March 5, 2005
San Clemente Island with the Sea Divers aboard the Great Escape February 5, 2005