My pics
These are just the pictures I like to show people that are in my small photo album.

From Nic - 84

From Nic - 74

San Diego, south Bluefin

A few smoker loads

North Coast Plunder

Nice Ling Cod from a kelp bed off of Cayucus. Not much vis that day

Caught off of Pt. Buchon. Radical dive.

Rock Scallops as big as legal red abalone. Wilson Rock and San Miguel Island

Taking crabs at Shell Beach near Pismo was fun. Very tasty dry meat.

Some of my favorites by color. The Orange Sea Cucumber and Cobolt Sponge

I'll go warm. Maui

He was thirsty

Radical trip to Cortes Banks

18 minute dive on the Peace at Talcott. 22 pounds of bug.

After a visit to Nic on the Peace

Beautiful Corynactus color in shallow water just south of Diablo Nuclear Power Plant

Old picture taken off San Miguel Island, say about 1976.

Looking south along North Beach to Pacifica from Sutro Hights in San Francisco.
I never dove there, but I think it is beautiful.
There are some free divers there that hunt the big Striped Bass off the beaches.

Id had fun. What was their problrm?

I wanted to stand on Begg Rock.

An Invitational Dive on the Truth.

Look for his head at the bottom of the picture.

That bird is meaner than that bug, but probably doesn't taste as well.

Cory Color

The Island Breaker off of Kinton Pt, North Santa Cruz Island.

Rock Scallop smile.

Great Hunters. Wayno, Lee and Shell.

Anacapa Flowers

Hydrocoral deep at Cortes Banks

San Miguel Island

Me 'n Smiley