
CopyRight @ 1996


     This book is written in a conservative form to
examine some fairly radical concepts. Conservatively stated, it
is a hypothesis to show how biology can be used to analyze human
ecology and morality. The most important changes relate to 
genetics and beliefs. The result is a description of amazing and
unprecedented changes effecting every facet of human existence.
     This is written from two views. One view is straight
forward, written for any educated reader, though some background
in evolutionary biology would be helpful. Also, keyed into it
though, are the basic premises as they are defined by biologists.
Overall, this book is written somewhat dryly to keep it on at
least nodding terms with the science that it originated from, but
this is meant to describe changes that will be extremely
pervasive and often radical. Everyone knows the world is
changing, but how is a person to understand what is happening and
how to best respond? Many of the changes relate to beliefs that
are subtle and not often examined closely. Changes relating to
reproductive habit have already occured, such as medicine. We are
going to have to develop a much broader understanding of
genetics. The potentials and dangers are great. Choices will have
to be made in order to survive. It is time for humans to guide
their own destiny.
     Like anyone that works for human survival, I am basically
quite conservative. Do you remember the term from the protests of
the hippie movement, "come the revolution" ? Well, much to my
suprise, that is what is happening. The hippies are gone, but
what they expressed represent ongoing forces in society that
caused the Protestant movement and the American Revolution.
They represent social development of a genetically hybridized
society with maturing forms of social organization. This is
written to take a systematic view of these changes as humans
make the transition to new ecologies. The result could be what
people have dreamed of.
     Its overall form is a responce the complexity of the
multiple interacting factors that must be sorted out, for this
description to be useful.

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