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These are beliefs, not how people think Individual beliefs...... Integrate in behavior.... a behavior is an action. Beliefs are why we act. Just as human biological characteristics and human institutions were listed, this chapter is to describe relevant characteristics of human beliefs and behaviors. All human belief is balanced. Belief and knowledge are functionally the same... !!!This is a discussion of beliefs.. of and for INDIVIDUALS. They are usually different than the beliefs for groups. ****Characteristics of thought and how people think all started with just a question.. ************************************************************************ Learning beliefs, belief sets and Belief systems! Genetic Sources Sun and Moon Masculine Feminine These are beliefs **** archetypes Heavenly afterlife vs earthly reincarnation monodeistic god vs spiritualistic faith ******** good vs evil earthly actions directed towards earthly responsibilities vs direction towards after earth existence Sanitation Vices Vocation and Avocation family laws social laws group view - feudal, paranoia, conformity, macho, puritan ************************************************************************ this is part of morality The trouble is, beliefs related to morality may be very subtle and still may be very consequential. This is partly because we are inhibited from closely examining the beliefs we were taught as children by our parents. Humans are designed such that, like language, many beliefs seem best learned while young. Physical and psychological development proceeds through very characteristic and critical stages. Much of belief and value is developed very early. It must start developing early, or first, because it is the context upon which a persons knowledge and experiences develop. In any human ecology, like the tribal or stratified society, it would be quite necessary for children to efficiently learn from their parents and teachers. Study of it shows that the learning is not only efficient, it is very tenacious. It does not often get questioned or subjectively examined and much more rarely does an individual actually change much of their beliefs and values. Remember, there are rarely any reasons for the beliefs of the children to differ from the parents. It is only when there are changes in the society, in one way or another, that there is any real reason for changing belief. ??? end of intro to bel *********************** ************* There are many different beliefs and values, but the ones most worth studying are those that have stood the test of time for the people that used them. In the equation that is a persons life, the meaning and consequence of any belief may be obvious or hidden, but almost all fall within recognizable patterns, that can be related to survival. The body has no part that exists for any purpose besides survival. Something may seem far removed from survival, but that is why it is there. It may be vestigial like the appendix, but it is unlikely and if it has no current function it is important to know the source and meaning of the behavior. Like an appendix, vestigial behaviors may become problems, especially as we are trying to adapt to major changes. Luckily, often the cure for inappropriate behavior is simply a good understanding of the source and consequence of the behavior, belief or value. Bad habits do not have to be inherited. In any case, behaviors, beliefs and values are described here in the context of how they effect survival. What belief systems do we have and what do they mean? How do you describe the meaning of a message from a person in the media, history or perhaps from a friend. How do we describe the message of John Wayne. It was a large clear message, but what was its consequence? ********************** BEGIN 13 History of conciousness/beliefs The Christian Concept of Love and Its Historic Consequence Cooperation is the most important aspect of human survival strategies. This can be a subtle issue, but its importance cannot be overstated. Christianity was a belief that arose largely in responce to the horrors of iron age warfare. It had important concepts from the Zoroastans, including that all people are equel in the eyes of God and that people should treat each other well. The Christians taught that people should love one another. This belief enhanced potentials for cooperation enormously. It promoted community and set the stage for the industrial revolution. Human Value and belief about power In some ways it is a bad idea to put a value on a human life, other times it is instructive and even necessary. Simple evaluations might consider the cost of pregnancy, child raising and education. Another evaluation might look at what any individual might produce ( by some standard ) in their lifetime. It could be the human price of war. In any case, it is an issue of importance and it leads to another critical item relating to recent existence and the present changes we are experiencing. ######## Ancient cities with elaborate stone structures can bring to mind the potential creativity of an individual human with only muscle power, drive, some organization and some technique. It seems easy to comprehend, to some degree, the human cost of the construction of the pyramids of Egypt or the walls of Babalon. ########### Before the advent of agriculture, wealth was very limited. It was mostly what a person could catch or find. Aside from territory, there was very little that had value over time. That might include tools, furs or ornaments, but there value was extremely limited, especially when compared to something of real value such as territory or technique. With farming, this changed. Resources were concentrated in one place and often there were surpluses. This allowed for the support of specialists that devoted their time to occupations other than direct food acquisition. There were engineers and astronomers to plan the farming and there were millers, bakers, merchants and scribes to process and distribute the food. There were also priests, as before, to guide the people. Eventually, it also led to the niche of the human predator, the warrior. Since that time, humans were ruled by the warriors. They highly developed the concept of ownership, including the ownership and value of humans. This was the beginning of power and in many ways it was based on control of resources including humans. Politics is based on power and world economics have been controlled by those in power, power based on violence. With the reduction of the effectiveness of aggressiveness as a strategy, the basis of the resource strategy, economics, will change. Presumably the change will be towards creativity, as was before the rise of power. In this time, wealth and economics have grown into an institution independent of power. Warriors can be hired. Wealth can be transmitted to the next generation much more effectively than can just power, but the basic system dictating the organization of each is the same. Zen and work ethic Zen is such an esthetically pleasing word. One of its primary meanings is basically that if you are going to do something, do it right. Partly, this belief is about the value of quality. It is quite important and likely to become more so. #3 Egocentricity and ethnocentricity --- this is a belief Belief sets about the individual and their group are pretty standard. Both egocentricity and ethnocentricity are natural beliefs that usually aid in survival. The usual form of a persons opinion about themselves or their group is that they are superior. It is not normally clarified or much dwelt on, but it is a fundamental and important belief, largely because it is relative to that belief that values, priorities and goals are formed. If a person does not think that they are special, they will be handicapped in their ability to compete or even to value survival. #3 The next belief set would include how we deal with our family, tribe or society. This is similar to the previous example, only more so. In the arena of survival, it makes perfect sense that the family is the highest value. An individuals concepts of right or wrong may relate to the society in one form, but the family is likely to be judged by a completely different system. A fundamental and critical aspect of individuals and societies is their beliefs regarding the relative value of the individual, family, community and society. Where are loyalties placed and how is it judged? There are many other differences as well. How we decide whether any individual is a member of "our" group, is complex and discussed elsewhere. ######################## this should have those topics.. courtship, status authority, religion goals status money summon aggressiveness and competition **** START 8 ## Thought Checking Almost anything can be expressed as a duality. It is an interesting statement and as it turns out, amazingly meaningless, but it does lead to an interesting point. Conciously using more than one point of view for both observation and problem analysis enhances all intellectual processes. Some common philosophical concepts, such an Yin and Yang, are formal expressions of this method of thinking. In some instances, more than two useful points of view can be produced, just as multiple definitions of something can be useful. It probably has more to do with the versatility of thought, rather than a limitation. Connections of meanings. This describes a way that a person might use to improve their comprehension and avoid mistakes by using more than one point of view. **That is undoubtedly part of the reason for the design of the human brain into two parts with different thinking characteristics.** One side of the brain handles verbal and analytic processing while the other side handles pattern recognition and long term thought processing. Using multiple points of view also compensates for characteristic mistakes of long term memory and so can make long term memory more accurate. Particular odors can trigger vivid memories. A person can associate ideas or concepts with sense of smell and use the complex and efficient memory of the olfactory node of the brain, to retain the complex ideas. It is just another tool of whatever value it can be put to. There is a more interesting tool to be described and considered. It has been called the person in the back of your head. It is that clear objective conciousness that you become aware of when you are busy making a mistake. Sometimes it has been called a concience. In any case it is a manifestation of multiple views of an individual. It is quite useful in just about any social context. **expand and faith #################################################################]] intelligence is a seperate subject, should be under individual behavior AND as effects or createsd belief. Comm is one of belief effects *********END 8 Intelligence and Communication Intelligence social occupational Behavioral release Communication source behavioral change split brain ## Intelligence So what is intelligence? It seems a pertinent question. Some descriptions can be offered that will have different meanings in different cases. Combined, they give useful understandings. Intelligence, seemingly like everything else, has so many meanings. It is the ability to learn, understand, communicate, remember, associate and so much more. It gives awareness of consequences over time. How about a useful description? In genetic terms, intelligence is the inheritable characteristic of being able to use information. In the sense of biology, it is a social behavior. It is the ability to remember, understand and influence the behavior of the individuals that are around you. Ultimately this relates to reproductive success or "survival". Early on there developed different primary types of intelligence. The abilities pertaining to social success, hunting ability and tool using ability seem to be the broadest distinctions of intelligence. Presently, intelligence must be considered in the context of the different occupational castes. There is a lot of deception in nature. Humans tend to develop what strategies work best in the context of what is available to them. Through perhaps four million years, the ability to use tools has been of primary and growing importance to the survival of human kind. It is hard to say what our potentials for technology are or what the potentials of technology are. Our potentials draw on many sources that, though they are legacies of brilliant thinkers, are still limited by the potential of the individual. It must be remembered that, in general, the most important knowledge is social knowledge and knowledge of self. We need better tools to understand how to adjust to the present changes. They will be partly solutions by mechanical technology, but the real tools must be understandings of social forms that will effectively serve us. ##### these are just methods of behavior, but relate to development and acceptence of belief Following are four topics that relate to intelligence. They are called: Behavioral release, stimulation, demand of intelligence. Learning Characteristics. Communication source - Communication through the society. Heuristic knowledge ## Behavioral release Behavior is a genetically based potential just as a human is a genetically based organism. Intelligence is as genetically based as there are different races and types of intelligence. There is what is referred to the fight or flight response or fight or flight mechanism. The two terms refer to behaviors and the genetic basis of those behaviors, respectively. There are few relevant things that can be done in a danger situation. The most common are fight or flight. If a situation of danger arises, a human or most other animals, will either fight or run. It is a genetically based behavior and it is released in response to a stimulus in the environment. It is the same way for intelligence. In any ones life there are the challenges and the events that drew out and developed the potentials of intelligence that were supplied by the genetics. Since development of the genetic potentials can be achieved by teaching, a person may often remember an individual that had a large effect or taught only one lesson, but released some of the potential of that individual. Each lesson represents an element of a persons development of their intelligence. It would probably be correct to say that when the genetic potential, called intelligence and environmental release, called experience combine, they create the person in the environment, or wisdom. The main meaning of wisdom is to as how it solves problems, especially for the community or society. Note here, that many times, a person of average or even less than average intelligence may have the experiences that make wisdom. The individuals potential, whatever it is, is not released or developed until something in the environment stimulates or demands the use of intelligence. This poses a direct consideration relating both to education and beliefs. Rarely does a person encounter a problem that demands an appreciable part of their brain. Still, when questions arise, the potentials of the brain attend to the problem. Though it is easy to focus on technical intelligence, the commonest and most meaningful expression of intelligence, is in the context of personal or social problems. They also constitute the most complex problems. Most technical problems are qualitatively simpler than social or personal problems. ## end of Behavioral release ## Intelligence -- put with other intelligence heading ? Intelligence can be likened to muscular strength. There is raw strength and raw intelligence. Raw strength is how much potential power is there to a person. How much power can they produce in an emergency? Functional strength would refer to what the person could do when weight lifting. Usable strength would be how much controlled strength the person could apply to a task, without thoroughly busting a knuckle. Raw intelligence is the wild flight of the belief ??, reflected in the emotional power of the individual. Uncontrollable and not something to get lost in. Functional intelligence would be the depth of understanding that the person can develop of their world. Usable intelligence is what can be brought into focus for problem solving. Intelligences evolved primarily for solving social problems, secondarily for technical problems. Usable intelligence is speed, breadth, wit, adaptability, understanding, creativity and perhaps wisdom. ## Emergence Michael Polanyi, a gifted scientist and philosopher, offered some useful descriptions of the creative process of the mind. Others, including Isacc Newton, have given the same description, but Polanyi called it "heuristic knowledge". It is when a person encounters a problem that they cannot solve quickly, based on simplicity or experience. The persons intellectual resources slowly turn to the problem until there is some conclusion. It is not a matter of figuring and calculating. It is a matter of being aware of the problem over time. It may take a day or days, or it may take years, but if an answer is found it then "emerges". The person becomes aware of the answer. "Emergence" as Polanyi called it, takes a period of time as well. For the truly difficult question, the person must become obsessed or fanatic, to get to the solution. They must fall in love with the question. Then it may take years, if the question ever does get solved. This description is note worthy because it describes one of the ways that humans solve problems. It also describes an aspect of one of the highest potentials of intellect. A potential genius becomes a genius when they encounter a problem sufficient to adequately challenge the persons ability. It suggests that form of genius is a very broad thing. Heuristic or encompassing, thinking would represent an environmental effect that would be part of the development of any persons intellectual potential. ## end of emergence ## Learning characteristics There are many ways that a person can learn things. Some have different characteristics. There is the type of learning that produce changes in knowledge, such as schools. There is learning of values and beliefs when young. Learning is relatively easy, especially when young. Changing beliefs or relearning is usually far more difficult. There is learning under situations of stress, like extreme danger. This is a highly stimulated state. There is learning by rote as opposed to learning by pattern understanding. Each method is more appropriate to the particular lesson and individual. You can get an "A" by giving the teacher back what they taught you by rote. You get a "B" for understanding what they said and giving back your understanding of the subject. In the future we are going to have to promote the ability and the methods of teaching in such a manner to use the more natural learning states. Unfortunately, they work best when young. rephrase all of this and add ... responce to food toxin ## end of learning characteristics ## Communication Source At both the individual and social level, where our information comes from is comparable in importance to what information is available. Some knowledge is gained from direct experience, but most knowledge is of other peoples experiences. Information is transferred at every encounter, from formal education to socializing on a street. An individual is absolutely dependent on the information they have available, whether it is techniques of sanitation, food preparation, engineering, philosophy, etc. Ideas new and old are everywhere. Artists, scientists, writers, politicians, actors, neighbors and relatives deluge us with ideas. We listen to them selectively, examined by our intellect and values, deciding what to hear or think about. Intelligence is used to gather, store, edit and redistribute information. Communication is by words, symbols and emotion conveyed by words, grammar, expression, inflection and gesture. Someone that can do this is referred to as a "communication source" for the importance of this function, to human survival. A communication source must be able to gather, understand and redistribute information. It is a function that serves the society according to the importance of information. Communication ability is a fundamental form of intelligence that seems largely the same as the form that creates new information. Often the function of a priest is as a communication source. As the different lobes of the brain function differently, there are different corresponding forms of communication natural to each side. The left side deals with words and analysis. The right side specializes in patterns and emotion, the things usually called unconscious. We take understanding from the words of the right side and belief from the patterns of the left. Often we cannot put ideas that we have into words. That is not suprising, because we can understand patterns with the right non-verbal side of our brain that are too complex for our left, verbal, side of the brain to describe in words. We also judge truth, emotion and its quality, with the non-verbal, right. One development of intellect, is the conscious recognition and utilization of the different potentials of the mind, with a minimum of conflict. A major component of our communication ability is emotional or non-verbal and so is processed by the unconscious side of the brain. The unconscious mind is not usually trained to edit and analyze the information that it usually picks up on. We accept emotions. People fall on a scale of "emotional potential" that seems to follow a simple mathematical progression of emotional power. It is expressed as communication ability and is an element of the ability of a communication source. It may relate to speed and complexity of inflection and signal during communication. In any case, it is like the effect of an excited or amused person. Emotion communicates and is contagious. A person with a higher emotional potential or in a higher emotional state, will unconsciously effect the person that they are communicating to. This is part of the ability of a communication source. We judge truthfulness, partly, on how smoothly a story is related. Humans have an excellent relative time sense. Tiny breaks in timing can be detected. It is part of social intelligence. The finer that a person can detect non-verbal communication or transmit it, the more intelligent they are and their greater potential as a communication source. Another interesting point of this relates to this "emotional potential". It has profound effect and may have to do with speed or complexity. Still, there is probably far more to it than that. Though emotions are hard to grasp, most people have, quite naturally, developed some understanding of their emotions and emotional interactions in the society. We learn to avoid emotional highs or over stimulation. Emotion is one of the greatest of stimulants. We learn to recognize emotional manipulation and are wary of people that do it. We all seem to know what the term emotional vampire or vacuum is. A person that gets their stimulation from consciously messing with other peoples emotions. We get angry when we must consciously defend our emotions. Since it is the most natural way that we communicate and experience, most people try to keep their emotional responses natural, spontaneous as is the common state and in nature. In our more complex society, we do require more knowledge of the nature of emotions and communication, but happiness is mostly a natural response. In a harsh environment, more understanding and discipline is demanded. Part of wisdom is the recognition of emotional states and communication, as well as the need for the avoidance of their abuse. The nature of emotional potential is odd and is probably much of the basis behind stories of magic and some cases of psychic phenomena. Since it is largely perceived by the right, non-analytic, side of the brain, it tends to be absorbed without editing or judgement. This allows for a great deal of manipulation of an individual. The more the emotional potential, the more the potential to communicate and influence. Compatibility is largely based on emotional potential. Two people must be able to mutually stimulate the other, yet not emotionally overwhelm them. High emotional potential could be called emotional power and it can give a feeling of power and superiority that leads to emotional manipulation and abuse. If used consciously and abusively, it soon becomes a dangerous cheap thrill. Emotional potential has a large part to do with how we judge a person that we meet. Emotional communication is immediate, fast and revealing. It seems that a person of low potential can easily spot a person of higher potential, yet it is not the other way around. This might make sense from the view of the potential being based largely on speed. A slower person could quickly judge if a person is faster than themselves, but a fast person is not clearly aware if a person is actually slower. It is a characteristic blind spot of highly intelligent people, yet they still use the abilities of the potential. The end result is that emotional potential describes the ability, primarily unconscious, to communicate and persuade non-verbally. Intelligence must be tested or shown to be perceived. Emotional potential is often recognized immediatly upon encounter and is relatively easy to spot when attention is given to non-verbal signals. The amazing thing is that accurate judgement of emotional potential gives an accurate judgement of intelligence. That is by a variety of criteria. It is too bad that it is so hard to understand, recognize and quantify emotions and communication, both to utilize the potentials and to learn their inherent hazards in our more complex society. When looking at communication, the non-verbal and the unconscious are extremely important. Conscious and sub-conscious or did you say ## end of Comm source ################################################################## Really, this book was written for superior people. In this case, superior is meant to refer to those with superior traites of intelligence, faith, agressiveness, sexuality or some other useful social survival potential. It is meant primarily as a tool for those with the adaptive behaviors of intelligence and/or faith. All of these behaviors tend to exist together, though they are rarely developed in the same person. ################################################################# put under reproduction or selection ##STRESS Stress This discussion is about developing a livable ecology. The hazards of an ecology produce stress. Minor stress is stimulating. Excessive stress causes death. In biology stress is considered in the context of zones. There is the comfortable survival zone, called a promiscuous environment. There is the other extreme, the zone that is fatal for some reason. The stress factor may be simple like a total lack of water or it may be more complex. Somewhere in between is a dividing point between a survival zone where an adult can survive and reproduce, the reproductive zone, and a zone where an adult could live, but for some reason could not successfully raise children. Stress might be a lack of food or water, or it might be too much disturbance during pregnancy, or it might be to many demands of basic individual survival to allow time for the necessities of having children. This is an important issue for humans because we are trying to live in an ecology that we are not perfectly adapted to and that causes stress. The changes that we are experiencing are so profound that we often end up risking ending stressed out of the reproductive zone and even out of the individual survival zone. This represents critical limitations. ## end of stress ####### both behavior and beliefs The Sun and The Moon discussion of individual morality, including male and female. ## Freindship Friendship can mean different things. A masculine model of friendship is instinctively based, relating back to the tribal hunting parties. The tribal hunting parties developed amazing abilities of communication and cooperation within a team. In these cases, friendship is not particularly rational except in the respect of reinforcing the team. Women do not have a corrosponding behavior. They are not so different that they can not exhibit this behavior, they just rarely develop it. This is unfortunate in that it is likely that the potentials of a team, working as a social behavior, are the highest development of human social behavior. ## end of freindship ## Masculine and feminine To a large extent, the purpose of this book is to examine different beliefs and their consequences. One category of beliefs********* would be the differences between men and women. They have use for different strategies corresponding to their real differences. As said before, the basic difference relates to differences in reproductive potential. Due to human potential and circumstance, strategy is not gender specific. Women can use masculine strategies and men can use feminine strategies. Since this is to look at contrasting strategies and beliefs rather than reproductive traits, the chapter is called the sun and moon to symbolize the broad differences in strategy that is usually called masculine and feminine. It turns out to be appropriate. One apparent characteristic of vertebrate behaviors if that the it could be usefully said that the female is more directed towards quality and the male more towards quantity. Monogamy makes it such that they both must be oriented towards the quality strategy, but males competed for far longer than they have been even superficially monogamous. Since masculine behavior generally relates to display, it is direct and very straight forward. Aggressive displays are meant to be seen. Subtlety or misdirection is considered relatively feminine. A male dominates with a frontal attack. A female directs and entraps. It is often mentioned that Alexander and Julius, both homosexuals, used deceit to lead their stronger enemies into traps. Masculinity comes in many shades. It can be machismo that demands satisfaction for any insult. Machismo is very much oriented around display behavior. Cultures that are more serious in their violence, tend to avoid displays and use a strategy of strong response to outside acts of aggression to reduce initial acts. A female will say that the best way to avoid a fight is to walk away. It can be true. A male knows that the best way to reduce attacks is to make them cost the aggressor. It is similar to armed deterrence. Even passivity is interpreted as submissive. Since aggression is an on going behavior, submissiveness does not prevent aggression, it just deals with it by reducing its frequency and severity. Females have very little use for aggression. If they do fight, it is basically for self preservation and so they do not have some of the inhibitions against killing, that men have. Females will promote competition and perhaps fights to make choices about the men. This was initially examined as simply a few more behaviors to be categorized according to belief, strategy and consequences. It turns out, as usual, that it is far from simple. The meaning of masculinity or femininity is based on simple central concepts or meanings with numerous complex parts that are consequences. The parts are how the central concepts logically project into the real world. The parts are like the strategy of a man competing for the attention of a woman or a woman promoting the competition to see how the males respond. Both are based on the basic behavioral concepts, but the parts are how humans operate. One of these parts is called aggressiveness. Other parts are just as ##### complex and important. Dualities can be a tool to aid understanding or they can cause errors of satisfaction and omission. Masculine or feminine can be used to describe almost any human strategy or drive. It may not apply to some situations and be a deceptive analogy or since our fundamental design is for reproduction, it may be a useful truism. In any case, in the context of passive creativity verses aggressive exploitation, or any other description, it can be used to provide a description of the most important human beliefs and strategies basic to the recent changes in human ecology. In essence, they may well represent different relative positions on a single cline, related to ego. The Sun and Moon It is too bad that the terms masculine and feminine are so associated with gender. It becomes misleading. Masculine and feminine refer to basic strategies available to both men and women, appropriate to different times and circumstances. An ecology may be relatively stable or it may be disturbed. In ecological terms, this is refered to as R and K conditions. Humans have been trying to make stable personal environments. War and catastrophy create confusion and upheaval. We adapt to both. Are there fundemental strategies to these different conditions? This is a good place to look for the binary symetry common in nature. The biggest common factor to human history, aside from disease, has been war. Our past 6000 years of history have been based on the disruptive effects of catastrophy and growth. It has been a time for a behavioral system suited to the disrupted environment. What is generally refered to as masculinity is that behavioral system. Feminine is the behavioral system more suitable to a less disturbed ecology. There are different ways to interpret or exhibit masculine and feminine behaviors. Machismo is a well known term used to describe a particularly extreme form of masculinity. These are words used to describe, non-sexual, attributes of masculine and feminine behaviors. dominant or aggressive and passive or submissive active and passive exploitive and creative direct or then it becomes a matter of strategy. ////// A wise friend of mine said that the decline of the British Empire corrisponded to the raising of male children by their mothers rather than their fathers. This was a practice that grew as the success of the empire lead to an affleunce that supported a complex home life.. where the woman had more presence... It makes sense in the context of warfare being the most masculine of behaviors. Women would not promote warfare, indeed they would more likely work against it. It is nearly fundementally immoral from a feminine point of view. The British Empire, as most empires, was built of and on war. You figure. So what is the lesson? Neither masculine or feminine is so unbalanced in basis or strategy as to be extremely different. A "stable ecology" can only differ from a "disturbed ecology" by so much. Both masculine and feminine must have similar potentials, to respond to similar situations that will occur in any ecology, disturbed or not. Certain events comprise survival, regardless of the strategy that is being used. Masculine and feminine is related to a disturbed ecology and an undisturbed ecology, respectively. Can masculine deal with an undisturbed ecology and feminine deal with a disturbed ecology? This is a critical issue. Partly, it is the question of "how can a peaceful person deal with an aggressive person"? How can a passive principle deal with an active principle? The other side of the question is whether a masculine strategy can deal with an undisturbed ecology? The determining factor in history has been that the militarists have won. The non-militarists have survived, using strategies inherent to the stratified society, that might be considered masculine since they were strategies for a disturbed ecology. In this sense, is it aggressiveness is an active principal of survival, without fighting, or is it a feminine passive strategy, as a responce to a disturbed ecology. The militarists have so decisivelly won, to present, that almost all existing humans have enough potential for war that deterence as a strategy works. Presently war is extremely costly, because most humans can fight quite well. The focus of evolution moves away from warfare because it is so common an ability. It will not go away, but it is limited by deterence. Rarely will humans exist in a relatively disturbed ecology. It is against much of the definitions of ecology. Balances occur and extremes vanish. This will be the force in the direction of the feminine. It is unlikely that that a feminine strategy can deal with a disturbed ecology, especially war. If a society forgets war, it cannot prevent conquest by a society using masculine strategies. This defines much of the nature of the balanced that individuals and societies must strike to create a lasting ecology. The question of masculine dealing with undisturbed ecologies Historically, genetically and philosophically, the only way to deal with agression has been fight or flight. Flight, a passive responce that includes appeasement, would have to be . A fight responce would be ? mas fem fight responce? feminine may promote some fight responce, but it inherently would not create a warfare responce. If warfare can be made a successful strategy, as has been the case in recent human history, only If masculine and feminine are only meaningful as a description of social behaviors of organization and reproduction, is war an altogeyher different behavior? Is interaction with "other" groups, war, similar to, but fundementally different to interactions within the society, that are aggressive features of what is called called masculine and feminine? Within a society, aggressiveness is a reproductive display behavior. Generally, higher vertebrates, reproductive battles are displays that leave little lasting damage. War, aggression against a different society, is meant to kill. Some who are socially aggressive, find that they cannot kill in a war. If war developed before social behaviors or as an offshoot of of them, its specificity of function makes it so different from social aggression, that it should be considered seperately from the social behaviors of masculine and femine. It is a basic instinct to survive dangers from outside the society. In this context it is a bevahior basic to both men and women, especially in wars of extremination. It will continue to evolve that way. end ## masculine and feminine ////// this is aggressive behavior, do not forget belief. ##-discussion of aggression AGGRESSIVE As said already, aggressive is a word with many important meanings to humans. The first meaning mentioned was as it acted as an active principle that greatly enhanced creativity and other abilities. The second view was as aggressiveness as a male reproductive behavior, primarily display. The third view to examine is real violence, its effects and corresponding beliefs. The disruptive and dynamic effects of war have been a major cause of hybridization. That includes the effects of marriage for diplomacy and slavery. Almost all species instinctively avoid attacking or damaging another member of their own specie. It is a hazard to the specie, in the long run. For the vertebrates, aggressiveness normally means displays with very little real damage done. Even the impressive, bloody displays of the Elephant Seals, as they battle for breeding beaches, rarely cause any significant injury. The tendency to avoid damaging violence is called displacement avoidance behavior . The individuals of warrior races would have reduced displacement behavior. At the same time, it would require a greater ability to discriminate, who "their" people are, so as to avoid attacking them. The lessening of displacement, would also relate to the normal human view of "us and them". In general then, war and most real violence is an anomaly in biology, but then so are humans. Normally, creative habits are the rule. Few ???? other species can act as a predator on their own specie. No other specie has had the diversity to be able to have a specialized sub-niche. Most human populations have always been very local and so violence by an individual was most likely to hurt a person that was related. Cooperation was the winning strategy. As agriculture developed, violence became less appropriate to the grain farmers that started the cities. It did become useful to the pastoralist groups though. When the pastoralists attacked the cities, the civil peoples could not even resist. As the niche for the cities and agriculture developed, so did the niche for predatory human groups with a reduced displacement behavior. All during the time of the stratified society, the warriors ruled both due to the effectiveness of aggressive strategies in the existing power vacuums and because of its inherent organizational form. During this period the focus of evolution strongly moved towards selection for aggressive potentials. It seems likely that will change now since aggressiveness has had such a selective advantage that it is almost a universal trait. The open niche for aggressiveness is closing. It is economical to conquer people that cannot fight back, but even limited aggressive potential can make a group difficult to subjugate. Aggressiveness is a social behavior, actually a reproductive behavior, converted to a resource strategy and a social system. The success of aggressiveness was based more upon its organizational potential than its exploitive potential. Aggressive races have tended to cause their own demise. This then leads to a question of what aggressiveness would mean in the circumstances that are developing, also, more generally, is it more related to a question of a desire for exploitation or control? At any time is aggressiveness to subjugate or to replace the people being fought. Aggressive violence is not only a question of reduced displacement behavior, it is a set of beliefs that is part of the morality of the tribe and individual. In part, it is the belief that violence is a very useful survival strategy. It works well in a power vacuum where there is no aggressive response available. It gets a little more complex, because the warrior is taught that rarely is any violence tolerated within the tribe or community. Violence is to be used only against "others". Violence within the tribe would occur, but under highly regulated conditions. A tribe that fights within itself, is risking extinction. For as much as it takes to motivate and train your average soldier, it seems unlikely that most humans are predisposed to real violence. What was one of the messages of the archetypical figure, John Wayne? It was basically - do not start fights, but never give in to aggression. Normal human response is, as expected, avoid violence even if it means giving in. As human ecologies have changed over time, there has been a general increase in the utility of violence. That trend seems to be peaking out with the present changes. War is a very developed art. To skip some speculation, most history of violence is left unexamined. There were peaceful times, ruthless times, brilliance and unbelievable excesses. By itself, war has done very much to mold what we are. The most important part of that though, relates to the values, beliefs and institutions that were imprinted on culture by the conquering races. As the utility of aggressive violence is reduced, what about the aggressive aspects of the culture? The stratified society was primarily created by and for warriors. We have been ruled by warriors for more than 3000 years of our recent critical development. Yet the progress of that time that is leading to a mature civilization, was made by thinkers with very different beliefs, values and strategies. It becomes a question of how a creative, peaceable person or society can respond to aggression. Note that there is a difference of point of view between masculine and feminine at this point. Feminine strategy suggests withdrawal, which fails as a strategy in a multi-tribal situation. Another masculine, war-like society would opt for victory. The only response to aggression that is viable, is aggression, so an individual with creative values must be able to back them up with aggression to protect their existence and what they create. It is uneconomical to attack a group or individual that will fight back. It is always economical to attack a creative group that will not. Life is a challenge. Often we must make important decisions with little background on the problem. Our present society is so noticeably based on the exploitive values learned from our militaristic ancestors, that a creative person is forced to be very conscious of their beliefs and values, even if knowledge of their source is limited. A person develops their own philosophy. If our society and its individuals are developing in the direction of a more creative existence, where will aggression relate? A person might be opposed to violence, but recognize it as the only real deterrent to violence.. Or else war will return. ## end discussion of aggression ## something A thought to think. Our survival is based on our social habit. Our social ability, much of our intelligence, is based around communication. What if we had telepathy? What would be some of the effects of the ability to communicate mind to mind. An important aspect of social interaction involves deception. Especially in a competitive situation, deception can be important. Perhaps psychic ability would cause problems. More relevantly, what about our sense of smell. When talking about communication, it must be considered that the sense of smell can communicate a great deal of information. A good sense of smell would give many clues about a persons emotional state, amoung other things. Normally, evolution does not select against an integral or functional trait, but is it posssible that evolution has promoted limitations on some forms of human communication. Perhaps this is to allow an individual to be deceptive.... It may be something related to men and women. ## end something SELF belief ? behavior? under consideration of altruism, like repro Sillynous ************* start 10 ??? ##selfishness *******selfishness one of many common and well known mistakes against social survival, add more This is written about survival. It is to describe a number of factors and their meanings. Especially important are moralities, or survival techniques and are taught primarily by families and secondarily by religions or media. Of all the lessons that must be taught and learned, there is one worth mentioning at this point for reference through this book. We must learn to avoid simple mistakes like thinking that the simplest answer must be the best or that if it works now, use it regardless of future consequence. What has to be the commonest of silly mistakes committed all to often is unnecessary selfishness. We have gotten where we are by the ability to cooperate. The simplest concept is to think of taking care of only your self. It is an excess of interest in personal satisfaction at the cost of family or society. One component of social behavior is to be able to understand why a society is a cooperative effort and why helping the society helps oneself. It must also be taught to children as a moral precept. All through this book complex ideas are discussed, many go against habits and instincts that are appropriate to our past, but the simplest and commonest place that people seem to make stupid mistakes, is balancing immediate self interest. Between short sightedness and simple selfishness, we could easily go extinct without even having to resort to a difficult or complex dilemma. We could die of sillyness. These are discussed more later. ##end of selfishness ## social - commun, cooperat Humans are highly social. To be mature, a human must have their social behaviors highly developed. A person must know communication, cooperation, respect, love, reliance and other complex behaviors that are learned during our long childhood. As with other behaviors, there is a genetic basis for the potential of the behavior. Then the behavior must be learned by education or discovery. For humans, the normal way to develop social behaviors, is by education and example of family and community. Behaviors with a strong genetic base develop easily with a little appropriate education. In the absence of adequate education, the individual still requires the behavior. It is not just the communities push for conformity, it is also the individuals need to function in the society that pushes the development of social behaviors. A person will work to develop a social behavior that they were not taught, so that they can function in the society. If a person does not learn the more complex social behaviors as a child, they will only learn them as an adult if the need is there. The genes alone are not enough to teach complex behaviors. A person must eventually learn these behaviors or they will not function properly or be happy. This all leads to a point about wealth. A feature of wealth, referring to affluence rather than wealth as a tool, is that it can give a great deal of independence to its user. If a family has wealth and fails to carefully teach its children the important social behaviors, the independence of the children will prevent them from ever learning to be social or mature. Due to our long life and the general circumstance of human existence, it is common that a few times in our life we end up in serious difficulty. What may be a small gesture by another person, may figuratively or literally, be a lifesaver. A small expenditure of effort may result in a large positive effect. This situation is common and so has had great importance to human survival strategy as they have adapted to the continuously changing circumstances of human ecology. ##altruism ## ## Something about social behaviors There is a cute term in biology, ontogeny recapitulates phylogany and it may be literally true. It is usually to refer to the development of a fetus. As a fetus develops it goes through stages reflective of the phylogenetic route of the organisms evolution. This is why a human shows gills, a tail and other vestigial traits during fetal development. It seems that there is a corresponding situation in the development of human psychology. Maturity brings the behaviors of a civil human. When young, we exhibit behaviors that are simple and seemingly like the behaviors of earlier forms. Selfishness is the behavior most appropriate to a pre-tribal or early tribal human. Cooperation is a behavior of humans, highly developed since the time of the big game hunters. Still, it requires great learning to truly utilize and value cooperation. Lack of cooperation may be because of lack of knowledge, lack of skill or lack of inclination. It may be lack of education, stupidity or intentional out of malice or some dominance game. It is unfortunate that one of the offshoots of aggressive values is demonstration of control by obstuctionism. Human organization is so complex and fragile that an individual can disrupt a larger organization, that they are part of. It is hard to believe how much one turkey can disrupt traffic flow on a highway by stupidity, carelessness or intent. Development of inclination and technique for cooperation, including communication, is an essential part of future human development. *************** END of 10 ##social ***************** START 11 FREEWAYS ? This is another model, that is to describe some behaviors. Consider a word like altruism. It means acting to help another. In terms of genetics, it is extremely important, but from the same point of view, it must be considered whether the act of altruism "harmed" or cost the person acting altruistic or if their assistance did not cost them. Also the idea of altruism inherently relates to genetic relatedness. In any case, there is great limitation to our ability to describe small, but significant nuances to beliefs and behaviors. Consider the meanings and consequences of any type of aggressive behavior. Violent, active, exploitive, opportunistic, direct, indirect, consequential,.. inconsequential.. in a social context. Some kind of simplified model of social interactions must be developed. There is a model where hundreds of simple social interactions can be examined in a short period of time. Any transportation system will serve, but after doing time on Sepulveda Pass, the system used for this description is a freeway. This model is very different than the previous one about cars reflecting genetics. This model is to describe interactions that can be used to reflect just about every social interaction. Some people go faster and some people go slower. Most people go with traffic, some do not care. Things are very different when the traffic is heavy or light. The model can be used to examine consequences of actions under different levels of load. It shows that an aggressive / opportunist action that would be unnoticed under conditions of low load, may be aggressive / exploitive and quite consequential in a system with greater competition. Have you heard of a snake? There is always rocket man there on your left. There are dummies, crazies, clutzs and conservatives. How about a Boston. That is where a line of left turners travel bumper to bumper such as to prevent the cars going straight, with the legal right of way, from proceeding. It is an excellent analog, useful for understanding or communication, of a particular interaction of individuals in a society. Consideration of this model can be a great aid in conceptualizing some social interactions. Sometimes, passing a person on the highway does not interfere with their progress. Especially if the highway is not crowded. If the pass is done carelessly or when competing for limited space, it slows the person down. This is a model of aggressiveness. Sometimes an aggressive action does not effect others. Sometimes it does. When resources are limited, the meaning of aggressive goes from active to competitive or exploitive. Funny little model, but worth thought. FREEWAY MODEL I grew up in L.A. during the period of time that included much of the maturation of the freeway and its associated traffic. Sepulveda pass was partly two lanes. It is now ten plus lanes and can take near an hour to cross if traffic is heavy. In that time, the driving habits have visibly developed. People have learned how to make their trip smoother and efficient, in the face of some truly nutsy traffic. People change lanes less frequently. Observation shows that the different lanes generally move nearly equally. There seems to be little advantage to much lane changing. Since the nature of heavy traffic is movement in pulses, any lane moving will soon stop and a stopped lane will soon be moving. Only an excessive number of very fast, excellently planned moves is going to make any qualitative difference in position. We have all tested that. A smooth, straight drive produces the destination almost as fast as any maneuvers that are even vaguely legal. Strategy and planning of route, can help though. Traffic is a social interaction and it illustrates social behaviors in other social circumstances. One individuals actions, effect others. Freeways, like society, has laws that regulate these interactions. On a freeway, in the context of what the traffic load is at the time, all different forms of social interaction can occur quickly in simple schematic form. Situations could be categorized. Behaviors a. Simple non-social active "aggressive" Active driving on a non-crowded freeway. b. Active exploitive ( of situation ) social "aggressive" Taking advantage of an opening on a medium load freeway. c. Active, aggressive, exploitive "aggressive" Can only be social - cutting off someone to gain motion. d. Active, aggressive, exploitive, territorial "aggressive" Obstructing traffic. e. Conformity Driving with traffic. f. Non-conformity, anti-social Causing obstruction by ignoring the flow of traffic. g. Non-conformity, social Not with flow of traffic, but avoiding causing obstruction By staying in slow lane h. Failure of social behavior Not "aggressive" active enough to be able to drive the high energy system. i. Stupidity Intentional or unintentional - self explanatory. Consequential, mistake, habit *****************END 11 ******************* BEGIN 15 more beliefs... this would be introduction Spectrums and Balance of Belief Many human behaviors and beliefs can be described as spectrums, dualities and balances. Sometimes it even means something. It is part of how we adapt. So much of the reality of psychology does relate to balance. It is why we seek explanations for the unknown. Perhaps it could be better called tension. There are balances in an individual relating to masculine verses feminine. There are balances in the making of a decision. When considering the balance of human psychology or more specifically, an individuals understanding of their world, it does not need to be completely logical or even complete, but it must be consistent. An individual may even have one knowledge and belief system that they use for operating their life and another collection of knowledge and belief that is being examined for utility and consistency. On special occasions, different systems can be used. ## b+b A person that is selfish may be too self centered to effectively act in any social situation including community, family or child raising. Does "ego" refer to ones self opinion or self opinion in relation to others. Ego is a different thing for everyone, but when it leads to anti-social behavior is when it is overdeveloped in relation to others. A person with too high of a relative opinion of themselves cannot interact effectively socially. #### ? move The hybridization of two different psychological traits will produce a psychological balance. Consider the characteristics of a timid, civil Sumerian crossed with aggressive, mobile northern warrior. Not only is there some conflict and resolution, there is also an ability to judge and consider, that is developed by the creation of the balances that any individual must make to resolve their own conflicting drives. This ability for judgemental balance is extremely important to humans as we develop. This book says that the niche of the warrior is closing because knowledge of and ability for warfare, is wide spread and common enough that warfare fails as a strategy. It becomes uneconomical. It is only economical to carry on a war with groups that are not warlike. What would happen if peace lasted long enough for war to be forgotten? It is not really a natural state. If the ability and knowledge of war were lost, might not the niche reopen? This book describes resources and wealth. It describes resources as food, money, beauty, position, brains, affluence, personnel wealth, social wealth, natural and created wealth, genetics, poverty, and status. How does one strike a balance between wealth and morality. This book is about how the improvement of the human condition has contributed to damage and danger to the whole human gene pool as well as the moral and cultural basis of our society. Only artificial selection can offset the genetic hazards, but what knowledge and beliefs must we develop to create the society that we will require. How can a balance be struck in issues such as these? This whole think looks like drivvelBack