About God

CopyRight @ 2005

Ok, you got this far. I guess I have to tell the truth, but understand if it makes me uncomfortable. I can't say if this is based on reason or bias.

I was raised with religion, which probably did something to help form good habits, but I never got that into it. I was a kid into science, reading and existing in a time of huge social upheaval of the 60s and 70s. Some of my neighbors were Fundamentalist Baptists, so I saw their version of worship and belief. It is a great idea that there is this Superior Being that has great personal love and interest in me, but did not seem real to me. I was open to God, but never got any feeling of God. It really didn't inspire me as more than a great idea. Religion seemed fine, but offered me little of interest. I never considered it important to think about it that much.

When you have children, you must think of how you are going to raise and teach them. In my position I have to think if I want to give them a religious education. As has been mentioned by great thinkers before, rationally speaking there is almost no drawback to a belief in God and many advantages to it. This is a game of life and survival. If the teachings of a God can help my family survive, that is a good path, whether God exists or not. Also, at the same time, using observation and logical analysis, I had learned about the human behavior called faith. I knew how powerful it is I also knew I had it. I learned that it is like other emotions that can grow slowly or flower suddenly. I got to be able to recognize it in other people like you can see love or anger. I got to recognize it in myself and saw that it was an amazing natural behavior that enhanced my life, thought and balance. I saw it as the complicated and powerful survival instinct that it is. It was an easy co-existence.

Then I noticed an amazing relationship. I knew that faith is the basis of the most powerful survival instincts humans have. While studying the importance of learned cooperative systems to human survival, I realized that the most cooperative system humans have is what would be called Christian Philosophy, based on the teachings of Jesus to love one another. That was a pretty amazing coincidence that my studies of genetics and survival would lead to the same lesson that was said to be a gift from God. That got me a bit curious. Admittedly, I was a receptive audience, but I still didn't care that much one way or the other. That's still largely my view except for one thing. I was amazed that the meme concept implies that ideas can take unusual symbolic forms and the form can include methods of communication of those ideas.

This book is about genetics to a large part. It is mostly based on a few issues including the problem of disease and the problem of genetic errors at re-combination. That is where it started, but where did I get those ideas? Well, if I think about it, I do remember an incident when I was about 14. I didn't think much of it at the time other than it seemed peculiar. One time when I was particularly frustrated by not understanding what people were doing or the big why they were doing it, I said to myself that I would pay any price to understand. Surprisingly, it sounded like I heard someone say "OK". And that was that. Still it was unusual and I at least remembered it. I have an oddly good memory. Within three years I was in my full fanatic mode and already clearly cognizant of those two ideas. Everything is built from those ideas. Even at that time, the idea seemed complete. It just needed to be put into words. People that know me, know that nothing I say has changed, just how I say it. The instructors that taught me wondered where I got my ideas. Everything I learned about humans just seemed to fit into a prepared place in the whole scheme of the concept. Popular ideas of the times were meaningless to me. I was on my own in terms of belief. Let me assure you that in the 70's no one was talking about that nature side of the nature nurture arguement.

Luckily I'm smarter than I look, but I think that this concept is bigger than most people reading it will ever realize and it all naturally integrates together. It always has. I find that amazing. That by age 14, I had a complete concept of this idea and some of the points of it about genetics have still not been verified, but a lot of them have since I came up with them my way. My way of learning has been to study any topic and view it from the genetic view that this starts with. I assure you it is revealing. I have written this entire book without following any normal pattern of academic or scientific development of literature. I just have collected information and added it into the existing framework I seemingly have always had. So how did I come up with the idea in the first place? Well, my reasoning suggests that I was told it in a form that the only word nearly appropriate for is "meme". It would explain a lot, including about ideas like this that have been historically been called prophesy. They are a core idea from a meme that have been translated into words.

So did a God tell me this? I'm not sure, but that tends to be what I believe, not just based on faith and utility, but on reason and an experience. As far as you are concerned, I'm afraid you will have to take it on faith. It's amazing how that works. I hope that it is true, because that means that there is not just the potentials I see in human genetics and beliefs. There are also the potentials of someone far older and wiser. It would make a lot of sense in a lot of ways, but that is another essay.

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