calculators, and precision

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on February 28, 2005 at 22:40:09:

In Reply to: If you cannot do the math, or you don't have a bathroom scale ... posted by northcoast diver on February 28, 2005 at 11:10:09:

That's a passable first order approximation BUT:

Most everybody has a calculator. Most everybody
has a bathroom scale, or a pretty good idea of
what they weigh, so why not get it right on?

And divers should be working to get the buoyancy
right to within a pound, not two pounds.

And a great way to get you weight wired is to get
neutral at the end of the dive at whatever depth
you think is right, and have your buddy eyeball
the amount of air in your BC. A pints a pound
the world around -- estimate quarts, or 16 oz
Coors, or whatever. And take a pound off your
belt for each pint.

I personally think that the "neutral on the
safety stop" idea is bad for cold water wetsuit
divers because it makes it hard to make a nice
slow ascent from the stop to the surface, which
should take about a minute.


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