Re: Its too bad

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Posted by Dave on May 23, 2005 at 20:04:12:

In Reply to: Its too bad posted by kylecawaza on May 23, 2005 at 18:25:01:

Lets get a few things straight: When being forced to make quick assessments, it is a valuable human natural tool to perform a quick statistical analysis in the absence of being able to do a background check.

As an example, statistically, who is more likely to harm you, that black guy who just got into the elevator with the blonde college girl alone by herself in a parking structure at 1 am with a black nylon cap over his head and dark sunglasses and baggy pants with wifebeaters,and CRIPS tattooed on his arms, or that college educated Hacidic Jew in the Feodora who got into the elevator with her with the Talmud in is hands?

If you say the chances are equal, you're an idiot, and you might just be a PC moron..... if you say the black guy, boohoo, you terrible bad bigoted racist white supremacist kkk lover!!

I regularly discriminated against people on the basis of gender and sexual preference. That means no dating guys for me, and no dating female homosexuals. Oh, the humanity! lol

Almost all the people in the L.A. County jail are hispanics and a maybe 10 % blacks. Not very many caucasians, and even less japanese guys. Is the fact that they are all male proof that police discriminate against people on the basis of gender by arresting and incarcerating a disproportionate number of males relative to their numercial representation in society?!

Here are some statistical facts: most serial killers are male homosexuals as was the most prolific all time serial kilelr in modern times was a male homosxual pedophile, most crystal meth addicts are caucasians, most pedophile priests are homosexuals, Russian Jews enslave more women as prostitutes then any other group, most liquor store robbers are blacks, HIV is not by the furthest stretch of the imagination heterosexual epidemic in the US, there was never an epidemic of black church burnings, women perpetrate an equal number of domestic violence incidents as males, some white guys after 9/11 were too stupid to know the difference between a Hindu and an Arab and killed a few Sikhs who aren't even Muslim.

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