Re: Best Way to Dive Catalina?

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Dick Analog on June 12, 2005 at 15:21:49:

In Reply to: Best Way to Dive Catalina? posted by Henry on June 12, 2005 at 14:46:50:

One of the "better dive spots" on Catalina also happens to be one of the most economical options for a single day of diving: Avalon Dive Park a.k.a. Casino Point. For the cost of a ferry trip ($50 round-trip last time I checked) you have access to a single dive site that offers eelgrass shallows, thick kelp, steep blocky slopes and vertical mini-walls, shipwrecks (some "planted", some not), and 100ft+ depth. If you've never been there before, you could do 4 dives in a day and still come back again to explore places you missed the first time. You'd also probably see 90% of the most commonly encountered, scuba-accessible marine life species for So.California waters. You can leave your kayak on the mainland, as well as your scuba tanks. It's a 20 min walk (lugging your gear) or a short taxi ride from the ferry landing to Casino Point. Tanks and air fills are available right at the dive park entrance: tank rental and air fills would set you back $25 for four dives. You only pay $5 for the tank rental, and it sure beats dragging tanks on/off the ferry.

During the summer months it is best to avoid weekends at Casino Point, as a long queue can form at the entry/exit point. Weekdays would be your best option, but confirm with Catalina Divers Supply regarding the hours of operation for the tank rental/air fill kiosk at Casino Point.

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