Wolf Diver

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Posted by Mojo Mike on June 22, 2005 at 12:30:34:

In Reply to: Mask Leaks & Facial Hair...Any Suggestions posted by BigTankTom on June 22, 2005 at 10:12:02:

I have dove and worn a full beard/moustache for 35 years. Except for the ordeal of transforming from a pollywog to a shellback. Where my head and face was clean shaven on one side only. Wish now that I had a photo taken, but at the time I was not to happy. Crawling through blood and pig guts in a hot and humid area of the world tends to put a frown on my face.

Like Chuck I exhale though my nose without thinking rountinely. It keeps the water out enough for me. Sometimes if I will be diving a lot especially in cold water. I will trim around my nose and dap a little silicone grease. I should put one of those battery operated mountache trimmers in my dive bag. Some masks work better than others for moustaches. They will all leak with moustaches, just different amounts.

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