Posted by Wayne on April 02, 2000 at 19:04:11:
In Reply to: Re: Nitrox Safety Margins posted by MHK on March 30, 2000 at 13:32:46:
Have you seen any good data relating to the narcotic effects being detectably different? I have not seen any hard data. I have not noticed any difference, but I rarely dive beyond about 85 fsw. Just jnot that deep where I play.
I agree that there are safety benefits to diving geezer mix to its limits, like the faster unloading of N2 at the safety stop, but I do not think they are statistically significant. I suspect that diver work load, for example, is probably a greater variable.
As for me, I figure that I am old and not as thin as when I was a young diver. Since fatty tissures love the nitrogen, it seems prudent to me to stay away from pushing the limits. I plan on never collecting on my DAN policy and always being able to go back to work so I can pay for the education and weddings of my 4 daughters and then retire in diving luxury with my wife.