Posted by Jim Hoffmann on August 01, 2000 at 09:58:08:
In Reply to: CLOSE CALL ON YUKON posted by BEMTMAN on August 01, 2000 at 07:00:05:
I hate to say this guys but the Yukon is an accident waiting to happen. Divers are going penetate this wreck without the training (and die)they need to do it right. Divers shouldn't be doing penetation without an Overhead Environment class. You need training in line reels, Steamlining of equipment, proper kicking , larger gas supplys (you need doubles or a single with adequate redundancy,diving a single 80 at 100ft. in an overhead environment is asking for
trouble)redundancy in lights, lift bag work, etc.
Guys take a real Overhead Environment Class from and instructor who has done the some real overhead diving (not from someone who has just watched a video about it). Leaning throw discovery is not what you want in an Overhead Environment.
Good Luck,
Jim Hoffmann
Scuba Toys