Posted by mike on October 12, 2000 at 23:50:40:
In Reply to: very insightful posted by Eins on October 12, 2000 at 10:41:27:
Of course, one could assume that folks in other parts of the world may not officially recognize the dangers of introduced species and simply have no criteria for judging them as such or, that what is noxious in the U.S.A., is native to, and perfectly allright in certain other parts of the world, as C. taxifola hails from the Indopacific region (where it is actually kinda pretty, but not ecosystem-destroying) and other nasties, such as Argentine and Red Imported Fire Ants hail from Paraguay (where they are merely a part of the local fauna) while those pesky little crabs up in the Sacramento Delta come from China. One of our local comb jellies which is hardly a problem here is a noxious pest in the Black Sea.