Re: DIR question

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Posted by MHK on November 13, 2000 at 09:58:47:

In Reply to: DIR question posted by Frank on November 12, 2000 at 07:44:41:


You raise many interesting points so let me see if I can address a few of them.. In terms of *mandating* DIR for all I would point out that we recommend DIR and never have taken the position that it is to be mandated.. In a perfect world would I like to see everyone DIR, sure.. BUt does anyone believe that DIR should be mandated?? I don't know anyone who believes that..

Many of the DIR advocates have come up through the *common* ranks and have tried many, if not, all the available gear, configurations and such.. While for certain DIR has it's founding roots in the Florida cave system, I still don't understand the misconception that just because something was developed in Florida caves that it somehow doesn't apply to recreational diving.. Moreover, if something was adapted to deep , technical dives that it doesn't apply to recreational diving..

I have spent a fair amount of time disspelling these myths.. In my DIR demos's we spend a great deal of time discussing this very point.. I usually leave the lecture with this thought for diver's to consider.. If I do a dive to 300'+ what is it that you could need for a dive to 60' that I don't doing a dive to 300'..

It seems obvious to me that if I don't need it at 300', most diver's could do without it at 60'..

Paradoxically to speak to your point about the dive shops or the industry drying up, by in large that is why you see diver's with half of these gadget's ( unnecessary IMO ) because dive shops tell diver's that they *need* these.. Of course, they must pay for them and thus keeps the shops open..

DIR speaks to simplistity.. If it's not needed you don't take it, or better yet you don't buy it in the firts place...

Hope this helps...


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