Posted by JRM on May 08, 2001 at 14:35:15:
In Reply to: Socrates was pretty good reading too posted by RaiderKarl on May 08, 2001 at 13:32:29:
Ah, I must disagree here. Having had my nose in "The Last Days of Socrates" recently, I think that he (if he actually did exist, but that's another whole argument). I think the Socratic method is essential to survival diving, although I am only beginning to scratch the "tech" diving surface. "The only true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing." Sounds pretty good to me. We don't really *know* much of anything about decom phsyiology (yeah we have theories, but that's another whole deep discussion).
Also, the idea of questioning every basic assumption is a good one. And of asking questions, not popping off. All good stuff. Of course, accusing your father of murder in order to exonerate him doesn't, so you do have a point there (Having read it, I'm sure you agree).
Odd though, I'm not sure what you meant by "Socrates was pretty good reading" As far as I know, there are no works directly attributable to Socrates, which is why the debate rages as to whether he actually existed, or whether Plato made him up to give himself early credibility. I must assume that you meant you had read Plato's accounts, right :-).
Also, although not directly involved, reading the classics does encourage one to think. My classical greek professor in college used to pontificate to no end on the lack of thinking. Of course, anyone who can actively read classical greek is not to be trusted (myself included, although I suck at it).
-- Even though I attended a sorry state University, I still attempted to get a classical education. Having my work area in the basement of a bookstore didn't hurt, either!