Posted by tleemay on May 09, 2001 at 11:55:36:
In Reply to: Fake email address' suggest lack posted by seahunt on May 07, 2001 at 16:12:16:
"Fake email address' suggest lack of fortitude...
or something."
Wrong - it SCREAMS a lack of fortitude.
That's a sockpuppet seahunt - someone who tries
to post under an alias or otherwise fraudulent
ID to parrot their own point in discussions. These
sockpuppets are also notorious for stiring up
crap from among others within a BBS realm. It
was a common thing here until a few months ago
upon which time certain protocols were put in
place to diffuse their propagation of being anon.
Didn't I read somewhere recently where you weren't
sure what a sockpuppet was? This is a prime
Yeah they tend to piss me off. I've dealt with them
The "or something" you elude to is a lack of
substance on their part to stand up with in making
their point - especially when they have no point
at all in the first place.
"Oscar" has been pingged.
His UUE code points to an MSIE SN'd product
that's a bit old (v.WIN95). His ISP account
says his contact phone number puts him in the,
well I'll be damned - the 608 area code and a
Madison Wisconsin prefix exchange! His mailing
address is in a Chigago suburb though.
If I'm wrong "Oscar", come on out and tell me so
here in public... I dare you.
MHK, the Bald One's not THAT stupid. It appears to
not be 'him' making these two posts on this BBS.
It makes no sense for him to align on the DIR side
after all he has spewed forth.