Posted by tleemay on May 10, 2001 at 18:20:19:
I have about 23 so far I consider potential partipants in the deep air
survey I am assembling. So far the list includes sport and technical
divers alike. I do wish some women divers would step up and participate though to give the survey some cross-gender validity as I have none to date.
Remember, recreational or technical divers alike are invited to
participate. Male or female. Even if you have only done one deep air dive beyond 130 and can somewhat recall the event, you are a potential data collection contributor. You must be a somewhat active diver and be based in California - where you do/did the deep dive(s) is irrelevant. Please request to be a participant through a real primary ISP e-mail address and not a re-mailer or blind e-mail account like hotmail, deja, or the like.
The chamber dive portion of the study will be limited to 8. The selected participants of that event will be a cross section of those who submitted complete survey data. Participation in the survey does not gurantee a chamber ride.
Please pass long this request for participants to others you feel could contribute. My target is to get 100 plus surveys to form the analysis from, otherwise the study will be short sighted and lack scope.