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Posted by JIm Hoffmann on July 16, 2001 at 12:38:32:

In Reply to: Re: Scuba Classes posted by Dalia on July 16, 2001 at 11:25:02:

Dalia, the 75% number is a lie, nobody knows what the real number is( the different agency's don't share).
The main problem with PADI is that they don't have an hourly requirements for there basic classes, they can cert. someone in 80 mins. (four O/W dives).
I find some real ethical problems with the cert. of 10 year olds and there new Seal program(and lots of other things).
I have been a PADI instructor since 1975 and I have watch this organization change, and the change has not been for the good.

Jim Hoffmann
NAUI 5888
PADI 6301

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