Electric Rays

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Kevin on July 16, 2001 at 17:26:38:

In Reply to: Re: Speared Giant Black Sea Bass Photo posted by Max Bottomtime on July 16, 2001 at 13:18:51:

I saw that happen on a boat. The captain of the boat, who shall remain nameless, ordered the stupid diver to filet and eat the electric ray, or else he was going to have to swim back to San Pedro.

The poor SOB fileted about half of it, getting a good jolt every few cuts. The Captain finally looked at me, shaking his head, and told me to wash the ray overboard. We never saw that diver back aboard again.

I guess you can't get away with that nowadays, whch is probably why divers are in the dismal state they are today.


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