Re: To Individuals Interested in the Marine Life Protection Act:

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Posted by robert on July 16, 2001 at 21:36:35:

In Reply to: Re: To Individuals Interested in the Marine Life Protection Act: posted by Steve Clark on July 16, 2001 at 19:57:13:

Have you taken a look at the white sea bass catches compared to just 5 years ago or the barracuda,and sardine population those fisheries have made remarkable comebacks through proper management not closures.The rock fish have declined but mostly due to commercial fishing.Yoy dont have to close a whole area for conservation.I hope to be able to take my kids fishing and not say its a thing of the past because these areas are now closed.There are many boat operators who make a living off this industry.If you dont think it will affect diving areas think again as you will not be able to gets bugs fom these areas you probably will not be able to anchor or dive there in the future.

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