Lazy Instructors

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Posted by stwally on July 17, 2001 at 17:35:39:

In Reply to: Re: Self-Reliant Calif. Divers posted by MHK on July 17, 2001 at 16:00:29:

I agree that there are far too many lazy instructors taking the easy way out. Perhaps there is a problem with the instructor training process. In addition to "cookie cutter assembly line OW certs" there seems to be ALOT of assembly line instructor training going on as well. 100 logged dives as a minimum experience requirement? 6 months as a certified diver? 7 days to become and instructor? I was certified for 18 years and had over 1000 dives before I thought I was competent. I do teach PADI, and my IDC was 12 days, run by a ex-navy commander who frequently uttered the phrase "to hell with PADI". Some of us have figured out that you gotta teach above the minimum standards. Won't teach 8 - 10 year olds who have a hard enough time riding a bike to dive either...

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