Re: not a good generalization however

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Posted by MHK on July 17, 2001 at 17:36:18:

In Reply to: Re: not a good generalization however posted by Dalia on July 17, 2001 at 17:28:36:

I'll be at Casino Point all weekend doing the DIR Demo so it's unlikely that I'll be able to audit your class...

And as I've stated I still believe that they're good instructors out there but my opinion is that they are fewer and farer then they used to be..

Whether you are willing to acknowledge it or not, PADI has clearly dilluted training and it has trickled down.. They put market share first and foremost and rather than do more, they encourage less and then promise to sell you another class to correct the problems... Why is it you think they require their IDC candidates to promote continuing education in the introduction, the body and the conclusion of all their lesson plans???

Sadly, those are the facts and it's self-evident to most...


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