The correct reason to use a descent line ...

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Posted by Bill Johnson on July 17, 2001 at 18:58:58:

In Reply to: Re: Descent Lines; was Scuba Classes posted by Dalia on July 17, 2001 at 14:59:53:


The correct reason to use a descent line is not to make up for compelte lack of buoyancy control. I see x-brand instructors using buoys, even on boat dives instead of the anchor line, all the time. I see this happening for all dives, not just the first two. I am not suggesting that I forbid the use of the anchor line. I (and my students) use anchor lines all the time. I am saying I don't use it as a crutch for a student's complete lack of buoyancy control. I am trying to get accross that buoyancy control is an essential part of dive training, and that dragging students down a descent line does not help them learn this. Buoyancy control should be addressed in confined water BEFORE migrating to the ocean. Students should have enough buoyancy control to deal with reasonable situations where anchor lines don't exist.

Hope this helps clear things up,


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