Re: Also see my "Re: to each his own, dive floats or not " post below +, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by randy54 on July 18, 2001 at 06:17:22:

In Reply to: Also see my "Re: to each his own, dive floats or not " post below + posted by Bill Johnson on July 17, 2001 at 16:38:00:

you put lots of words in my mouth. how about listing the half dozen where a line is not deployed for a open water class. This would rule out a line not being deployed simply because someone decised not to becaue it was inconvinient, or forgot to bring it. And I never said more experienced divers had to use them. On the boat I got out on, the anchor line is always there for this use, and divers encourged to use it, but not required. I often don't use it now, or only use it for part of the decent, and to make my 3-5min. stop.

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