Re: Typical, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on July 18, 2001 at 14:00:46:

In Reply to: Re: Typical posted by MHK on July 18, 2001 at 13:23:25:

You quoted GI in the steel debate as saying (paraphrased) "why would anyone want to dive
with a steel tank anyway?". If he doesn't know the answer to that, he doesn't know CA
diving. Simple.
Just to add a thought on that, JJ had no idea why
NITROX was not practical on CA boats. That shows a
total lack of knowledge of CA diving.
>Computing deco on the fly is simple, it takes about 5 minutes to understand and I offered to
dive with you and prove it,
Why didn't you just explain it? Terry had little problem with it once
he simply said depth averaging. Regardless of how it works, that is
not complicated.
One question. Why do you resort to dishonesty to
discredit my statements. Is your position that weak?
As I've said before, DIR seems like a good enough idea. You
I have no use for.
You say I never state my position. There
are more than 300 pages of my position on my site.
Read it and find something real to snivel about.
Enjoy, seahunt

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