The #@$%&*!! Wheel

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Posted by brianc on July 18, 2001 at 14:33:02:

In Reply to: the PADI Wheel is a D/M tool posted by CalAbDiver on July 18, 2001 at 14:12:17:

I was taught that the Wheel was the first type of rec. dive planner put out by DSAT (PADI), but that people used to the Navy tables did not like the new format. The Wheel can give varying answers depending on how well those little dots, circles, and arrows are aligned. And God help anyone who's Wheel was put together wrong (incorrectly calibrated). My first introduction to the Wheel was in DM training. My Wheel was not calibrated correctly (the dot was on the edge of the circle, not in it) so I kept getting different answers from the others in my class - grrrrr.

Just try using a Wheel with 5mm gloves...

I use tables to check my profiles after diving. My typical ending group is DOA. I know that using the Wheel would bring me back to life like Lazarus arising, but teaching it in the time allowed in an OW class - well, maybe I'll stay off that topic, for now.

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