Re: lost me

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Posted by Wood on July 18, 2001 at 15:35:47:

In Reply to: Re: Proper fundamentals mandate that you are horizontal from start to finish posted by seahunt on July 17, 2001 at 21:57:58:

Floating diver = not sure what you mean.

When I said D&A in a horizontal position, that is the swimming or hovering position.

Problems= anything that takes a portion of the students concentration. Clearing is a big one but so is making the buoyancy corrections before getting to the bottom, mask clears, anything. The flared position simply gives the student more time to make corrections. By not letting them go down feet first, which is so popular in classes, they cannot achieve "false buoyancy" by kicking.

It puts the students in the proper position for the entire dive, not a different position for ascents and descents.

Not trying to say everyone should do it, it just works for me and my classes.

Dive safe

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