Re: she hit the jack-pot, but there could be more civility in the meantime

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Posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 10:00:50:

In Reply to: she hit the jack-pot, but there could be more civility in the meantime posted by CalAbDiver on July 19, 2001 at 09:50:02:

There is a simple way to elevate the debate..

Have Seahunt, once and for all, answer a direct question in less than 100000000 words....

All I asked for was a graph of a profile.. Nothing more, nothing less...

In his 8000 word essay did you see a graph anywhere????

I want to stick with diving and facts.. He calls me dishonest and he went on attack first but then when it gets back to diving he cries like a sniveling child and this is getting old...

All he simply has to do is stay on the topic of diving and I won't attack him.. But he calls me a liar and dishonest and so on and then steadfastly refuses to discuss diving..

It was a simple request.. Put up a graph and I'll show him what he has been endlessly crying about....


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