i know. but one of you is going to have to take the initiative ...

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 19, 2001 at 10:52:33:

In Reply to: Re: she hit the jack-pot, but there could be more civility in the meantime posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 10:00:50:

and be the nice guy first.

SeaHunt's main obsession seems to be with things that have happened in the past. SeaHunt needs to forget that.

MHK's main obsession seems to be to convert every diver to DIR so that they wont die. MHK needs to forget that.

Speaking for myself, there are some parts of DIR that I like, and some that I dont like. Maybe someday I will be a DIR diver. But Im not now, and its not going to happen anytime soon. And the only thing that would change the timing of that is if I found out there was a huge crock of gold in a cave somewhere, and therefore I had to become a cave diver overnight to go get it.

MsBlucow and Mrs. Kelphead seem to be moving towards DIR a whole lot faster. I can live with that. They will probably live longer underwater as DIR divers than otherwise. That is a good thing. To each his/her own, in the meantime, in my opinion. That seems to be the main troubling issue.

DIR has just begun to get a foothold in Northern California over the past 6 months. People used to joke about it as a "cave thing," but now the dive stores, mostly the PADI dive stores, are taking it more seriously. Its still going to take time.

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