Im not saying its ok, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 19, 2001 at 12:35:20:

In Reply to: Re: Hypocricy posted by MHK on July 19, 2001 at 11:38:42:

sounds like it was an accident to me. who knows, i wasnt there on that boat either.

sorry if it sounded like i was making light of it, MHK. i was trying to isolate the issue of choice regarding the B/C. maybe that was a bad choice, and maybe it was not.

i am glad to be able to say that in all the wantonly dangerous macho things i have ever done, i have never yet been killed (not making light of this either MHK) and i have never delayed the boat.

i take great pride in being the first diver off the boat, and the first one back on the boat, even on my deep solo deco air dives. other people just dive slow, is why!

i am glad GUE came along and has advocated all dives be done on EAN 32 and no deeper than 100 fsw unless on heliair or trimix. TDI teaches that EAN 32 is safe to 130 fsw. I will have to try out 100 to 130 fsw on EAN 32 myself before I can resolve this conflict.

i have discovered that deep air is very debilitating because of the N2 narcosis factor, and i do not recommend it, and if anyone wants to dive deep i strongl suggest they become mixed gas certified.

i believe that covers the deep air.

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