Yes, Let's tell it the way it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by MHK on July 23, 2001 at 09:41:26:

In Reply to: Lets tell it the way it is. posted by seahunt on July 20, 2001 at 20:15:30:

I've been trying to keep things civil but if you really want to *tell it the way it is* you've got it..

You seem to have an uncanny nature to miss not only the forest but also the trees.. You also appear to be well versed in the search engine, since you have no problem selectively snipping and posting.. Since you seem to be so good at the search engine, could you go back and find one post that you've made that actually added anything of dive realted value to the list???

You keep going back to the fact that I didn't respond to your request for a methodology about *on the fly NDL limit's* prior to the DIR Demo.. There was a good reason for that. I actually wanted to get to know you and judge your level of diving knowledge before I posted some shortcuts.. I was tempted, based on your stated 30 years of experience, to just post it to shut your crying up, but in retrospect I'm so glad that I didn't.. It's clear that when you dive you shut off your brain, or your safety switch as you've called it in another post.. For someone who endlessly challenges EVERYTHING that makes sense above water, you completely shut down beneath water, to the point that after 30 years of diving you have no clue what you are talking about.. I'm sorry if that is mean or harsh, but it was you who asked to *tell it the way it is*..

After 30 years of diving you still believe that you can't do a day of diving without a computer.. That is, not only freightening, but it is sad.. Didn't you pay attention to anything in all those dives???

Your chosen method of attack, and yes you do attack, is to attempt to set yourself up as the *protector* of the NG against the big bad DIR bullies and then use that self-appointed title as a reason to sound off about your arcane and outdated views.. You continually point us to your website which is merely nothing more than a cry for attention..

You don't like what we do, how we do it, or how we say it.. That's fine.. Except now that everyone has figured out what a clueless, attention starved moron you are and you needed to change the message. Don't think that hasn't gone unnoticed.. You went on and on and on endlessly in your 4 part cosmology about why DIR doesn't apply.. You are now trying to save face and say that you were with us all along, you just objected to me.. In May you promised to write a *brief* descritpion about your way, or better yet, a different way to do it.. Well, you've come up with squat, and now your saying that you like DIR, you just don't like me..

Let me remind you, in your own words:

Posted by seahunt on May 31, 2001 at 21:55:22:

Tell you what, I'll try to write up a description of a diving philosophy that probably encompasses most of what is needed for sport diving and is both much more fun and more practical for local conditions (and many other places) than DIR. I'll make it short enough for you to make it through. It will then be easy for you to critique that system (with no need for name calling or insults) and tell us why DIR is so much better.

Well, if you really believe it , where the hell is it???? No more excuses, no more misdirection.. Put it up or shut the hell up...

We stick to diving topics, we stick to safer and more efficient ways to do it and you can't stand not being the center of attention so you create the side show... I'd rather you offer up your knowledge that you supposedly gained over 30 years and 3000 dives..

You can keep trying to selectively snip and post and take things out of context.. But the fact of the matter is that we all see you for the absolute joke that you are.. You claim to have 30 years and 3000 dives of experience, so other than long winded essays about days gone by, why not share some of your knoweldge and information????


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