Re: Lets see if..

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by MHK on July 23, 2001 at 14:40:35:

In Reply to: Re: Lets see if.. posted by Steve on July 23, 2001 at 14:28:03:

I just received an e-mail from Dan and he will post tonight..

Understand that 8 hours you need back gas breaks and I'll be happy to discuss the details but I don't want to hear that it's technical diving and not applicable to this list...

I negelected to answer your question about confirming with George this weekend.. I didn't need to, I was working support in Wakulla during one of his dives and I was with him and JJ for 2 hours while they were on 02.. We run 2 hour shifts as support diver's and I can promise you that they do it routinely...

I think you need to read the studies that I cited, gain a little more understanding of why Hamilton recommended 1.6 for 45 minutes.. You should also read the studies that Haluberton have done.. ( Oue current VP was head of the company at the time) and once you UNDERSTAND what's involved you'll see that 45 minutes is a joke..


Do not abandon your current protocols until you gain the knowledge.. I gaurantee PADI didn't teach you this stuff, which is why you should look up Walker and take a class from him... You get this stuff in the fundamentals class and then hammer it home in the tech 1 class..

Sadly, we can't teach everything over the internet and sooner or later, some on this list, need to understand that they need to take a class and/or dive...


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