Re: This is one that I've been wondering about

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Posted by Wood on July 24, 2001 at 11:30:45:

In Reply to: This is one that I've been wondering about posted by brianc on July 24, 2001 at 10:13:36:


Two questions:

What depths are you diving to?
Is your suit snug against your body or loose?

The depths we are diving are usually 60-90, I am pretty confident that I am perfectly weighted (14lbs), and there is no way I could do a dive to these depths, just keeping enough air in the suit to keep the squeeze off, and not use my BC to remain neutral. I am not using the BC to compensate for over weighting and I’m pretty sure my trim is up to snuff.

When I say just enough to keep the squeeze off, the suit is very snug against my body with just enough air to be unrestrictive.

Not questioning your technique, honestly interested.

Dive safe

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