Holy Cow, er I mean Dead Horse, er I mean...

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Posted by Wayne on July 24, 2001 at 21:13:36:

In Reply to: Kane, those were just this weeks lies. posted by seahunt on July 23, 2001 at 20:05:49:

First we always have the WHEREAS stuff. This is where we see all the stuff we can all agree on.

1. Seahunt thinks MHK is bad.
2. Seahunt has his reasons he thinks MHK is bad.
3. Seahunt has clearly stated his reasons.
4. MHK thinks Seahunt is bad.
5. MHK has his reasons he thinks Seahunt is bad.
6. MHK has clearly stated his reasons.
7. Both MHK and Seahunt have rebutted each other
and there has been no stone unturned
(unthrown?) in explaining what each thinks
of the other and why.


KNOCK IT OFF! Seahunt, you need to let this die. You stated your case, he did not agree and will never agree with you. BBS readers can tell what each of you have said by your having provided the quotes and references. It has all been said and we need to stop hearing it repeated.

In my sample ballot, I can read the arguments for and against each proposition. The two sides see them differently because they lack the common frame of reference (or maybe one side lies). Then each side rebutts the other's arguments. Then they rebutt the rebuttal. Then it ends! No more. Interested people will make up their minds with the data provided.

We have all the data we need. PLEASE provide no more of this.

If you catch him being rude to someone else, call him on it. If he is rude to you, so what, EVERYBODY knows that you two are in a feud and takes what each of you say about each other as nothing but throwing stones. So let it slide. Be noble and refuse to get dragged into the slugfest.

I know I was ticked off to see you had moved this up to the top of the list. I know I wanted to see it die off, but your bringing it up showed me that you want to keep up the fight and make us all watch.

It is not reasonable to do this since we already know all the arguments on both sides and we all have already made up our minds. The continuation of this harms the continuing party only. Fortunately for you, MHK jumped in with both feet and you are both being made to look foolish.

How about we stop this and nobody will have to look foolish anymore? Please?


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