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Posted by JohnB on July 25, 2001 at 11:47:59:

In Reply to: Loss Leader SCUBA posted by Bill Johnson on July 25, 2001 at 00:33:22:

that the instructor does NOT spend 8 hours with the students, and that many instructors have more than one class. Mine had five going at Casino Pt on one Sunday, with 5-6 students each! And we spent a total of six hours at the Point (not just with one class but with Five)
Let's see 5 x 5 = 25 x 10 = 250 and while that ain't a lot it IS more than you say. I think the Instructors have a hard time making any decent money really. I do not think this is where the cattle call thing starts. It starts with the big powerful organization that knows full well it is shortchanging students. I think most of these bad examples of instructors are just guys trying to get ahead using the system in place.
Each individual CAN complain but just try to find ANY CASE anywhere that this actually works against big money... the boardroom is soundproof and until it becomes less profitable for the "board" they will continue to thin out the actual education. like drug pushers you need more to get same results so you have to buy more, and what they're selling is not good for you anyway.

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