D/M expenses

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by CalAbDiver on July 25, 2001 at 16:24:36:

In Reply to: Ah those tips! posted by Wayne on July 25, 2001 at 15:33:30:

if an OWSI calls me and asks me to help with a class, we then immediately discuss that i will be paid for my expenses, which is gasoline $35 & motel $75 for a total of $110 per diving weekend at the Ocean. and if its a boat dive, he pays for the boat.

i dont mind doing the pool work locally for free, but then that is what the DMCs are supposed to be doing. at the Ocean a DMC is just an observer, or a pair of them can set the dive floats and recover them, and demo beach entries.

if i call an OWSI and ask him if i can help out with his call, i dont charge him anything, and he usually buys me lunch on the second day.

since i get free air and nitrox from the dive store, that is a form of compensation that translates to about $10 per tank of air/nitrox.

strange set of rules, but that is what the market currently promotes. a lot of people D/M for nothing, and so after awhile it comes to be expected. it is all a matter of adjusting expectations.

DIR has nothing to do with it. DIR is for cave diving.

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