Re: Heres a good PADI read

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Posted by MHK on July 26, 2001 at 16:16:06:

In Reply to: Heres a good PADI read posted by Jeff B on July 26, 2001 at 12:44:23:

The ENTIRE PADI RecTec program is illogical and NOT well thought out so why would you expect anything but stupdity from an organization that promotes and sells stupidity????

Teaching deep air, no matter what name they hide behind, is moronic, short-sighted, dangerous and profit motivated..

Has anyone else noticed that no matter what position that I advance I usually have atleast one or two opponents on the other side of the arguement.. However, when it comes to the serendipidous nonsense that the PADI RecTec boys came up with, I'm without opposition??? What does that tell you????

Let's face it, any serious minded diver has long ago dismised the PADI RecTec nonsense as a poorly delivered joke and no one takes it seriously..

I even invited to pay for Karl Shreeves to join us last weekend at Casino Point to defend the idiocy and he declined. If I invented a program and someone like me was publicly bashing it day in and day out and offered to pay for me to come defend it, you damn well know I would have showed up if I really believed in the merits of the program.. Except that NO ONE, and I'm sure if truth were told, even within PADI really believes that this program makes sense. They just got to far behind the eight ball and couldn't get there act together in time so they didn't want to loose any more market share so they threw together this stupidity and hoped they could buy another year before they figured out how to sell trimix...


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