Re: MHK: clue ... PADI has got nothing to do with it

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by MHK on July 30, 2001 at 11:55:36:

In Reply to: MHK: clue ... PADI has got nothing to do with it posted by CalAbDiver on July 30, 2001 at 11:29:44:

We are NOT in theoretical debating contest.. We are in a real life situation that has our local area [ ie; SoCal alone] having a fatality rate of over one a month which according to the DAN stats that Ken posted earlier would have us at about the highest fatality rate in the country.. And that's only the ones I know about and that isn't counting Northern California.. We have no caves, unlike Florida, and our rate is on par with Florida.. If you take away the cave fatalities in Florida, Southern California would be the highest fatality rate in the country, and I have no plans to stand by idely and protect the status quo..

PADI has a lot to do with the problem and it is all because they need to hit their target of 964,000 certification per annum.. It's all about dollars and cents and unless, and until, the PADI *professionals* challenge the current leadership will change start.. If you think the current status of the PADI training is adequate than we share a different view and I'll invite you to Casino Point next time we go and you'll see the utter contempt that I hold for the training..


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