
Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Calico Jack on August 06, 2001 at 18:11:53:

Can any of the dive legends and Ubber Instructors found here tell me what a Waterman is? Do any of you know the definition? Most importantly do you personaly know of any in the "dive community"?? I'd be really interested to know.
As far as the sad state of affairs seen daily at Casino Point, yeah its way embarassing. Shameful for the "dive industry" in general. But unlike what some self rightous, chest thumping individuals might lead you to believe, the incidents at Casino Point have absolutely nothing to do with any instructor's personal habits (Oh my God!!!! The HORROR..to think that an instructor might smoke or....REVOKE THAT C CARD... partake of a nice cold beer after a day's dives) Whatever. Pull your heads out and take a look around any given day at what goes on at the Point.
Again I'll pose the question....Are any individuals out there training others in diving watermen or waterwomen???

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