Re: 10 years old Certified Diver.

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Posted by MHK on August 07, 2001 at 10:07:04:

In Reply to: Re: 10 years old Certified Diver. posted by Captain Tim on August 06, 2001 at 20:39:34:


First off, do you really mean that you hate to disagree with me ;-)

Seriously, way too many things can go wrong under water and putting a 10 year old in that situation makes no sense in my view..

Take for example the fatality Thursday at Casino Point, a father and son team as I understand it.. We always assume when talking about 10 year old that the buddy will be fine, what would happen if that son in the Thursday fatality was a 10 year old??? Do you believe a 10 year old kid would have the presecence of mind when his father is dying right before his eyes to stay calm???

I just don't see 10 year olds possesing the necessary capability and sound judgement to engage in this sport.. What harm does it do making them wait a few years???


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