Re: Removing the BC under water-at depth

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Posted by DaveJ on August 08, 2001 at 12:59:45:

In Reply to: Re: Removing the BC under water-at depth posted by Bill Hamilton on August 08, 2001 at 08:13:44:


I see your point, I guess I should have been a little more clear with what I was getting at. I feel it's important for the person to be able to dive with or without the weight integration because configurations can change, even during a single trip (due to DMs who drop your weight pouches, no really, it was his fault guys!)

Also, I think it's easier for students to do the BC removal with a weight-belt then move on to a slightly increased task of WI BCs.

I also think that students should learn with weight belts to understand the fundmentals before moving onto the easy life of weight-integrated. Of course you'd have a better chance of taking away my wife than my WI BC, but that's just me now.

Great post. Keep em coming

PADI DM :) (I'm so embarrassed)

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