Re: My version of what an open water class would look like..

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by MHK on August 09, 2001 at 16:32:28:

In Reply to: Re: My version of what an open water class would look like.. posted by * on August 09, 2001 at 16:20:35:


All of us take diving safety seriously, and as representatives of the DIR demo and I can personally tell you that I did no such thing.. And knowing George the way I know him, he would never act in such a fashion..

We are accustomed to unsubstantiated attempts to take us off message and this is a blantant and pathetic attempt at discrediting us.. We stood over there for two days from 8:00am to 6:00pm and no one said anything to us, and the event was weeks ago and this is the first we hear of any of this, and it comes supiciously at the same time that Scuba Joe has a problem with something Don Lake has allegedy mirespresented..

* and Suba Joe, my name is Michael Kane, my phone number is 310-550-8004 and you can meet me at 433 North Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210.. I hide behind nothing and I don't take your belated reports seriously because anyone that knows us knows that isn't how we operate...


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