Re: Nitrox aka EANx

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Posted by MHK on August 10, 2001 at 11:38:41:

In Reply to: Re: Nitrox aka EANx posted by neil on August 09, 2001 at 13:33:46:


First off let me dispute some of your numbers as they relate to Southern California..

A tank of air on most boats down here is $4.50 and the cost of Nitrox is $8.00 per fill.. Accordingly you are looking at a difference of $3.50 per tank.. Most open boats do a 3 tank dive and when the shops or clubs run the charter is perhaps a 4 dive day.. So at best you are looking at $14..

Now you've already spent thousands on gear and training, inlcuding $400 - $500 on a computer to help add BT's.. So why are we worrying about pennies????

Furthermore, what's to preclude you from using Nitrox on dives one and two, presumably the deepest of the day, and then air topping for dives 3 & 4??? This way you are looking at $7 added costs..

I can't relate to that kind of penny pinching logic.. Someone will spend thousands to get into the sport but worry about a few dollars.. Also, most liveaboards cost several thousand and I recall when I was in Galapagos I believe the cost of teh trip was in the neighborhood of $5,000, why wouldn't I want to maximize BT's and add a safety margin??? Particlualry when the evac was about 10 hours away????

Simply put, why is it acceptable, in your view, to spend $400 or $500 on a computer to add BT, but an added $3.50 is objectionable????


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