Horace, have we ever met???

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Posted by Dalia on August 11, 2001 at 15:52:30:

Sorry I am so late in responding to your post. A friend turned my
attention to it today.
As far a shooting short Lingcods, I have to say this. I have shot
only one Ling, about a year ago, which was less than half inch
short. It was an unfortunate error and it only helped reinforce my
awarness. I have never intentionally or otherwise abused the ocean
which I love. If you know me that well, you will also know, that nine times out of ten I return to the boat empty handed and not because
of lack of game.
As for swimming in currents, I invite you to take my advanced navigation class. I don't swim in currents, because I don't have to.
Every dive I make ends at the swim step. If you learn to navigate too,
you won't have to either. But I have helped others in a heavy current.
Just for the record, you may want to check with Eric or Fidel on the
Peace, as for the integrity of my statement.
Are you doing this, because I happen to be a Padi Instructor???


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