life is not fair, Dalia

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Posted by CalAbDiver on August 13, 2001 at 09:20:26:

In Reply to: Horace, have we ever met??? posted by Dalia on August 11, 2001 at 15:52:30:

see, you shoot one short ling cod, and somebody on the boat rats on you about it.

i pulled one short ab once, got it to the surface because i was running out of breath, measured it to be safe, and OH SHIT THIS IS SHORT BY 1/2 INCH.

so i spent a few moments on the surface catching my breath, they resubmerged to about 15 fsw and put the ab back. you have to lean them up against the side of a rock at the bottom, so they can grab it and climb back up. then hopefully it will still be there next year, when it is 1/2 inch longer, and legal, like a virgin on a prom night after she finally turns 18.

life with a spear or speargun is not as simple as with an ab iron. i think the best thing to do if you spear a short fish is to sashimi it underwater and make a huge gut pile on the bottom somewhere, near rocks, so that all the other kelpfishes can come up and have a feast on your mistake.

then go behind the rocks, and wait for a really big ling cod to come out after the chum. that way, you can get a really big one, and nobody on the boat will be able to rat on you about the initial mistake!!!!!!!

thanks Dalia for the lobster info around Goleta, SoCal, in your posts to me. love you.

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