Re: Nitrox for Open Water class??

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Posted by geoa on August 12, 2001 at 19:04:29:

In Reply to: Re: Nitrox for Open Water class?? posted by JSW on August 12, 2001 at 18:32:06:

"propaganda" (?) Well thats a little extreme is'nt it? Like I said in my opinion, the tank stickers are'nt for your benifit, their for mine. No kidding they don't assure me of whats in the tank, thats why I have a gas analyzer. And who said anything about PADI, What is PADI and why does anything PADI teach affect me? Of course having a discussion about the harmful affects of Nitrogen might add hours to a PADI class, but I doubt it. In a nutshell, breathing compressed air is dangerous and if there is a safer way to do it, I'd like to know about it in an entry level cert course.

Would'nt you?

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