Re: Picking and choosing which *rules* apply

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by randy54 on August 13, 2001 at 12:57:28:

In Reply to: Picking and choosing which *rules* apply posted by MHK on August 13, 2001 at 11:09:34:

I don't think most divers "blindely ignore" any rules. There is a big differance between just ignoring something, and making a concious decision. Although I haven't dove nitrox, but I have more than one tank. If I chose to have nitrox in one, and the only way to tell them apart is some silly sticker, then what's the harm. And yes, I know part of using any mix is testing it before use. But at home, when I grab my gear and go, I'd know which tank I was grabing. As for Solo diving, I do it on occasion, but only with fore thought and a concious desion. I have rules I follow when I dive solo. Shallow (<50sfw), off a boat where at least a dozen other divers are in the water, vis at least 25ft, low current. During the dive, I monitor my air, depth and time constantly. I keep either the anchor line in sight, or a major feature from where I can see the anchor line. And I use the 3rds rule for my air. I don't penetrate caves or wrecks, even with buddies, because I'm not trained to. No solo's at night. I don't drink or use drugs, so those aren't a factor. I check all my gear before it goes into my dive bag and or car. I check it again when I get to the boat or dive site, and once more before I put it on to dive with. But the number one rule I follow, whether solo or with a buddy, is "I'll abort any dive, any time, if for any reason I'm not comfortable with the dive".

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