so, Im poor!

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by CalAbDiver on August 21, 2001 at 14:02:12:

In Reply to: Re: wow! thanks BBC posted by MHK on August 21, 2001 at 12:24:32:

i spent over $15,000,00 on new scuba gear last year. now i am really poor!

btw, MHK, feel free to chime in whenever there is a valid subject that you are intensely privy to info on. i will feel affronted if you do not.

i want to know why TDI spends so much energy on the Abyss deep diving software, why there has to be so many different Helium mixes for TDI divers, why everybody is arguing about pure O2 versus 80% and 39% mixes, and where Aybss gets it off the wall deco schedules from, if not the EADs of the US Navy tables.

right now I am where I am with mixed gas tech diving where I was 26 years ago with sportdiving scuba: the homework is done and its now time to put on the tanks and get into the water, the really really deep water. thats a place I have never been before, and therefore I both respect and fear it. so I have questions.

your opinions and training definitely do interest me, although I apologize in advance as you know well that I will probably not agree with anything you might wholeheartedly believe, Old Buddy.

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