As soon as digital = medium format

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Posted by mike on August 23, 2001 at 11:01:55:

In Reply to: Is Taking Pictures with Film a Thing of the Passed? posted by Jim Hoffmann on August 23, 2001 at 09:04:56:

i will ditch my old equipment. A month ago someonw digitized one of my slides, printed out an 8 x 10 on a $300.00 printer and it absolutely blew me away. The file was 25 meg so that kind of resolution takes up space but hey, 80 gig hard drives are cheap enough now, and in a years time, even those'll be like dirt. I just picked up an Epson 780 and a Nikon slide scanner will follow me home after i collect rents on the first of the month.

The one thing i would want with digital is the capability to provide artificial light (strobe) and the ability to use my very expensive set of Nikon or Hasselblad Glass. Of course, all the other attachments such as tripods etc will be mandatory. Any camera i have had better be capable of going 22,000 feet up into the Andes or going 200 miles into the interior of Borneo or New Guinea and still come back out in perfect working a Nikon F3.

BTW, how's the Helitrox class coming? I keep forgetting to ask you about that whenever i drop by.

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