5 point descent procedures + wrist strap adjustment

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Posted by Karl S. on August 31, 2001 at 10:13:48:

In Reply to: "bungee" straps posted by msblucow on August 31, 2001 at 08:51:33:


What I myself do is to adjust my wrist straps to be comfortably tight before a dive, then after executing the PADI 5 Point Descent Procedures, add one last step to it and re-tighten my wrist straps while on the bottom before I head off on the bottom for my scuba dive.

Here is a review of the 5 Point PADI Descent Procedures:

1. signal to your buddy OK and DOWN, wait for his/her signal back to you;

2. orient your compass to shore and set your desired azimuth on it, or orient your compass along the direction of the anchor line of the boat, and set your desired azimuth on it;

3. switch from snorkel to regulator;

4. set your watch/timer/computer or check the setting one final time;

5. raise your deflator hose of your B/C and slowly start your descent.

here I add a 6th step, carried out once I get to the bottom:

6. tighten your compass wrist strap & your watch/computer wrist strap.

Its a lot to remember, but if you do it every time you dive, it will come naturally, and your buddy will come to expect it too, and he/she wont swim off or get impatient with you since they already know you are going to do it this way.

Have fun, MsB.

/s/ California Abalone Freediver

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