well...Factually we ARE animals...

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Cabo on September 03, 2001 at 00:07:54:

In Reply to: I AM NOT AN ANIMAL!!! posted by retrodiver on September 02, 2001 at 21:55:56:

if not, there are two other choices, Vegetable or Mineral, I choose animal for me.
as for MHK, I did not see ANY specific names mentioned and it seemed like an honest and interesting point. Why does everyone bring it up if they are so NON-DIR?
Fear? Safety is nothing to be afraid of.
MHK? He puts himself out there for everyone's scrutiny, nothing bad about that.
Self Improvement? Hmm, got to like that, so what is it?
For the paranoid: THAT is a question NOT an accusation.

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